Saturday, January 27, 2007

Decider House Rules

Andrew Cohen's WaPo article White House Plays By Its Own Rules Again reinforces the message in a song lyric I'm working on which goes...

Some say that I am obstinate
And will not change my views
Some say that my advisors
Fear to tell me what is true
Some say I need to change the course
An' start bringing troops home soon
But (heh heh heh) decidin' is just
What I'm s'pposed to do


STFU bloggers
And you generals an' admirals too
An' you pollsters need to give it up
'cause' I 'm just ignorin' you
And that goes for all you voters
I don’t care about your views
As long as I'm the President
I'll say S T F U

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Prayer for Jane Hamsher

I've spent the longest day trying to keep busy while virtually sitting in a virtual waiting room for news of Jane's surgery for breast cancer. Jane, as you may not know, is a blogger - but not just a blogger. She's a force of nature when it comes to articulating what the politicians are/aren't/should be doing for the benefit of Americans and their fellow inhabitants on this little green planet. I don't pray as much as I once did but Jane is definitely near the top of the list this day. Should any of the denizens of firedoglake wander into this blogger backwater, I hope this music (muzak?) I composed called "Pull Up a Chair" might help evoke a little peacefullness. Click on the icon above to start the player, then click on the play button.