Saturday, March 04, 2006


Here's another half baked concept from my long abandoned website. Please feel free to suggest some new ones.


When you read them, don't say the syllable in parenthesis. For example, kinfestation is a merger of derived from kin and infestation. As far as I know, these terms are all my own inventions.

bag(ag)gravation - getting carry-on luggage stowed

kin(in)festation - overrun with visiting relatives

condemn(emm)igration - how penal colonies get started

cayenne(an)imation - grabbing for water at the ethnic restaurant

prefab(ab)beration - most modern buildings

flag(ag)gravation - hot button in some Dixie states

contempt(tempt)ation - urge to flame

beer(irr)itation - pale ale hangover

resell(cel)ebration - "I just sold my boat"

blue crab(ab)dication - "we don' need no steenking restrictions"

quick fix(fix)ation - always looking to cut corners

fedex(ex)hortation - last minute "guidance" from the boss

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