(This was written in response to NBC's handling of the pictures and writings of the student who killed 32 people at Virginia Tech.)
FICTIONVILLE - A pilot of a small commercial airplane told air traffic control "Watch me" before deliberately crashing his plane into a hillside and killing himself and the 33 passengers aboard yesterday. But by a twist of luck, the cockpit voice recording of the pilots two hour long ranting diatribe leading up to the crash was obtained by NBC News which then decided that it should broadcast the audio as quickly as possible. Bureaucrats at the National Transportation Safety Board expressed opposition to NBC's actions. "We try to avoid sensationalizing these last words out of respect for the families of the victims, including the family of the pilot" said Homer Bupkiss, regional NTSB director. NBC spokesperson Notta Clue stated that the news division believes the information would have come out sooner or later and doing it sooner has more upside potential for attracting advertising revenue.